262 research outputs found

    Linear-Time Algorithms for Maximum-Weight Induced Matchings and Minimum Chain Covers in Convex Bipartite Graphs

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    A bipartite graph G=(U,V,E)G=(U,V,E) is convex if the vertices in VV can be linearly ordered such that for each vertex uUu\in U, the neighbors of uu are consecutive in the ordering of VV. An induced matching HH of GG is a matching such that no edge of EE connects endpoints of two different edges of HH. We show that in a convex bipartite graph with nn vertices and mm weighted edges, an induced matching of maximum total weight can be computed in O(n+m)O(n+m) time. An unweighted convex bipartite graph has a representation of size O(n)O(n) that records for each vertex uUu\in U the first and last neighbor in the ordering of VV. Given such a compact representation, we compute an induced matching of maximum cardinality in O(n)O(n) time. In convex bipartite graphs, maximum-cardinality induced matchings are dual to minimum chain covers. A chain cover is a covering of the edge set by chain subgraphs, that is, subgraphs that do not contain induced matchings of more than one edge. Given a compact representation, we compute a representation of a minimum chain cover in O(n)O(n) time. If no compact representation is given, the cover can be computed in O(n+m)O(n+m) time. All of our algorithms achieve optimal running time for the respective problem and model. Previous algorithms considered only the unweighted case, and the best algorithm for computing a maximum-cardinality induced matching or a minimum chain cover in a convex bipartite graph had a running time of O(n2)O(n^2)

    Lexicographic Fréchet matchings

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    The Fréchet distance between two curves is the maximum distance in a simultaneous traversal of the two curves. We refine this notion by not only looking at the maximum distance but at all other distances. Roughly speaking, we want to minimize the time T(s) during which the distance exceeds a threshold s, subject to upper speed constraints. We optimize these times lexicographically, giving more weight to larger distances s. For polygonal curves in general position, this criterion produces a unique monotone matching between the points on the two curves, which is important for applications like morphing, and we can compute this matching in polynomial time

    Quasi-Parallel Segments and Characterization of Unique Bichromatic Matchings

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    Given n red and n blue points in general position in the plane, it is well-known that there is a perfect matching formed by non-crossing line segments. We characterize the bichromatic point sets which admit exactly one non-crossing matching. We give several geometric descriptions of such sets, and find an O(nlogn) algorithm that checks whether a given bichromatic set has this property.Comment: 31 pages, 24 figure